Monday, July 16, 2012

Contest Circuit: July 16

Speaking of fun contests around the blogosphere, I'm participating today in the Hookers and Hangers Blogfest. Click HERE for my lovely hookers. If you'd like to participate, see details below.

On Thursday, I'll be sharing my interview with the fabulous Hope Roberson, the creative mastermind behind this fun blogfest! Stop back and check it out!

Brenda Drake of Brenda Drake Writes is hosting a pitch contest with Entangled Publishing on July 16! Again, post your 35 word pitch. Brenda will accept the first 200 entries. Even if you don't get picked for a request, her planning partner Adrien-Luc Sanders will be critiquing ALL 200 pitches.

Savvy Authors hosts MULTIPLE pitch contests with fabulous agents. Agents in July's upcoming pitch contests include Jill Marsal of Marshal Lyon Literary, Laurie McLean of Larsen Pomada Literary Agency, Peter Knapp of Park Literary Group, Nicole Resciniti of The Seymour Agency. You need to be a member to participate, but basic membership is free.

Miss Snark's First Victim is hosting a Secret Agent contest on July 23. Submissions are for the first 250 words of your manuscript. 

Operation Awesome is hosting their next Mystery Agent contest on August 1. Contests usually involve a one sentence pitch or first sentence of our MS. Look for details about this contest a few days prior to August 1. 

WOW! Women on Writing is holding a Flash Fiction contest with guest judge, Literary Agent Marie Lamba. $10 entry fee with fun cash prizes. This contest has an open prompt. Deadline is August 31.

Candilynn Fite hosts a Flash Fiction contest each month. Write 300 words based on a picture prompt she has posted. Deadline is June 20. Winner's received a copy of Catherine Stine's FIRESEED ONE.

Novel Novice is hosting a Steampunk genre mash-up contest. Combine any genre with Steampunk in 300 words to enter. Ends July 31. Winners receive a copy of INNOCENT DARKNESS by Suzanne Lazear.

Bloghops and Giveaways:
Falling For Fiction is hosting a Hookers and Hangers Bloghop. On July 16, you post your "Hookers" - aka the first sentence from a chapter. Then on July 18, you'll post your "Hangers" - the last line from a chapter. Winners will receive a 10 page critique!

Morgan Shamy from Inner Thoughts of a Redhead Writer is hosting "What If" Fairy Tale Madness Blogfest alongside Leigh CovingtonMark Koopmans, and Cassie Mae. Put a spin on your favorite fairy tale and rewrite a scene. This blogfest is filling up fast and will take place August 13-17.

Deana Barnhart's Gearin' Up To Get An Agent Blog O Rama is quickly approaching. The month long party will start September 3. Sign ups begin today, July 16. For one month, Deana will be focusing on one agent-grabbing element (platform building, learning the craft, the novel and queries) in an interactive way. She will be giving away plenty of critiques. I believe it also involves agents, authors and a whole host of other fun twists.

Gracielou is hosting a giveaway of MCV Egan's THE BRIDGES OF DEATH. Sign up with Rafflecopter to win a copy of the book or a $50 Amazon gift certificate. 


  1. I need to start working on my pitch. There are so many contests going on. I'm just too lazy. lol

    I didn't realize the MSFV SA contest was July 23. I'm away. I'll have to try for August.

  2. I need to get through my revisions so I can enter some of these, but I'm making myself stay distant from my MS until the end of July. By then I'll have fresh eyes and a fresh perspective from which to revise. In the fall I'll be ready for some of these...

  3. Thanks for the roundup, Kim! It's always nice to have organized blogger friends who can stay on top of all of this stuff.

  4. WOW! Lots of great stuff going on! And thanks for the shout-out for the Fairy Tale Madness blog hop! :D

  5. Cool roundup. I can't wait for Deana's contest. I participated last year and it was a blast!!

  6. Great roundup! I'm kicking my butt at revising so I won't be entering these contests...maybe in September or October

  7. Thanks for including my giveaway! You are so sweet!

  8. Nice round up of links - must try my hand at comps again... I gave up some years ago in favour of concentrating on novel writing. But maybe now I could try again...

  9. Thanks for posting!
